
Dad sent me some interesting material regarding (but not
limited to) Kerry.  One was a newsletter "CapitolIDEAS" 
(National Taxpayer Union Foundation) with this astonishing

"2003 is the third successive year in which NO Member of the 
House or Senate cast votes whose cumulative effect would reduce
federal spending"

In other words, during 2001, 2002, and 2003 not a single elected
Congressman or Senator in the entire nation, Republican, Democrat
or whatever was fiscally responsible.  It didn't matter who you
voted for, they weren't and aren't fiscally responsible.
According to CapitolIDEAS anyway.  Isn't that astonishing?
(By the way, one should include the executive branch also,
they've never submitted a balanced budget during this time.)

And I was inclined to accuse the Republicans of fiscal irresponsibility,
which of course is true, but it's everybody, 100 percent.  
Every one of the scroundrels is spend happy.  Don't shake hands
with these people, you might get infected.

CapitolIDEAS goes on to state that the average House member voted just 
two cents in spending cuts for every dollar in spending, for Senators 
it was five cents in cuts for a dollar in spending.  

But of course the business of government is spending our money.  
At this rate however, we're doomed.

A long since retired Radio Host in San Francisco, Jim Eason, had
a voting strategy he called D.R.I.P.


"Drip on them", Jim would say.  Good advice.  Throw them all out.

I'm curious to know who was the fiscally responsible person(s) in 2000,
since the article implies that in that year things were different.