Flip Flop

Just to expand my own political horizons I'm reading a couple of 
books from our reading list, Noam Chomsky's "Hegemony or Survival"
and Sean Hannity's "Let Freedom Ring".  These are certainly
giving me some different viewpoints to ponder.  That's right,
the family 'commie pinko' is I'm reading Hannity.  Which of the 
Republicans out there is reading Chomsky?  You ought to.

When it comes to flip-flops, all I can ever think of is the 
World Champion of flip-floppers.  Remember when George Bush 
was debating Al Gore in 2000?  George Bush said "I'm against 
nation building".  Well, we're $200 billion dollars down the 
road into Bush's flip-flopus giganticus.  There is no telling
how much the total cost will be, probably several hundred billion
more.  So I guess we weren't supposed to take George Bush at 
his word.  Obviously he said it just because he thought it would 
help him get elected.  Typical politician.


And that's one big expensive flip-flop.  
Olympic gymnasts are jealous.

So when you think of flip-flops, think of the World's Best
flip-flopper, President Bush.

Didn't President Bush also say he wasn't going to create
any unfunded mandates?  Well, "No child left behind" is a 
greatly underfunded mandate that the Grand Marshall of 
flip-floppers has dropped on us.  That is flip-flopping
at it's finest.  He still talks about it as if he actually
fully funded that program.  He didn't.  Nope.  Still hasn't.


President Bush says "I'm a uniter not a divider".
But if you disagree with this administration you are
labeled "unpatriotic" or even a "traitor".


President Bush is no uniter, he is a divider.
Is there anyone who thinks President Bush's administration
is trying to unite us?  As Bush's told the crowd of 
wealthy citizens at the speech shown in "Fahrenheit 9/11",  

"It's nice to be at a gathering of the 'haves' and
the 'have mores'.  Some people call you the elite,
but I call you my base."  [crowd chuckles...]

I know many people (especially those who haven't seen the
movie) say "Fahrenheit 9/11" is full of lies, but sorry, that's 
what the President really said.  I saw it with my own eyes,
I heard it with my own ears, I don't need someone who hasn't
even seen the movie telling me it's a lie.  The truth is
President Bush doesn't care about me.  I'm not rich enough.
OK I'll be honest, I'm not rich, period.

If you want to hear a humorous take from Jon Stewart on 
George Bush debating himself try this:
(Please stand clear of the flip-flopping, 
we don't want anyone to get injured)


But I can hear the flip-flopping all the way out here in 
California, even though he doesn't like to visit us much.  
Actually I'm getting annoyed by the sound of this administration's
flip-flops.  Maybe there's something I can do about it in 

Is everyone registered to vote?  You know how I'm voting, so
if you are a Bush supporter, you'd better register so you can
cancel out my vote (if the touch-screen system doesn't do
it already).  And if you are as tired as I am of the real 
flip-flopper, i.e. President Bush, be sure to vote.

Be a real patriot, vote.